Tuesday 11 February 2014

A Weekend Summary

Hey There!

This weekend has been a busy one, since Christmas our weekends have been on the quieter side, as much as I love not planning anything and letting life take its course, I love spending my weekends seeing friends and family and getting jobs done!
This weekend was one of those and I thought I would share it with you!
Friday Evening (I class it as the start of the weekend?)
Normally Fridays are my day off but being a hairdresser sometimes days off are very few and far between! After I finished work I had to do the dreaded food shop!
I hate food shopping and always leave it to the last possible moment before we are living off toast, tea and cans of beans! so reluctantly I walked around Tesco in my own little world getting in the goods for the week! we are currently on a "healthy eating plan" for my best friends wedding in July so I was trying to avoid any naughty temptations that sneak there way into the trolley! this went well apart from a packet of Kinder Chocolate Snack Bars, Opps.

I got home and started to cook the dinner, I had to pop back out to get my fiancĂ© Ash from work but then got home and got ready for the gym- as I said as we are on a health kick so my best friend, her fiancĂ© and myself have been dragging ourselves down the gym as much as we can and dare I say it, I'm actually really enjoying it! we try to go for around an hour a time, three times a week.

Due to my father in law breaking down in my boyfriends car at the beginning of the week it meant I hadn't been able to make it other than Friday last week, so it was hard getting back into it but I had the Martin Lewis Show on the TV to keep me going!
I got home, had dinner, had a bath and went to bed! bliss.

Saturdays I work in the salon until  4:30. I actually quite like working Saturdays there seems to be a nice atmosphere in the town and everyone seems to be a bit more relaxed. As it tends to be the busiest day in the salon so the day goes quickly.  Although I only had a couple of clients in today there are always plenty of things to be getting on with, making tea, washing hair, chatting, chatting and more chatting!
One of the girls I work with had a birthday at the beginning of the week so we all went out for a meal and some drinks. so once 4:30 came around it was time to head off home and get ready!!
we were set to meet for 7:30 in a local pub before dinner and so I had a bath (which I didn't want to get out of) did my hair and makeup and got dressed. It was so nice to have a catch up with people from work, have a few drinks and some yummy food. As I don't live too far outside town, one of my colleagues and I decided to walk home, this was fine until we got half way home and the clouds opened, we got soaked. I was happy to get home in the warm and go to bed.

When Sunday arrived I spent most of the day lounging around in my Pjs, drinking cups of tea and getting the odd jobs done (isn't that was Sundays are supposed to be for?). In the evening we went for some dinner with friends and then went to the cinema. The boys decided to go and see The Lego Film and as we didn't fancy that my best friend and I went to see The Awkward Moment, the film was alright.. a bit too soppy and loved up for my liking- my friend on the other hand loved it! she loves them sort of films. By the time we got home it was 11:30 so we watched some TV and went to sleep!

So that's it!
A little sneak peak into my weekend, I hope it wasn't too boring to read.


Wednesday 5 February 2014

Spring Time Wish List

 Hi All!

I cannot believe we are already in February! it seems like yesterday i was wrapping gifts and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! Although i absolute LOVE Christmas i have to say I'm quite glad to see the back of it this year. It seems to fly by quicker and quicker with every year that passes and now seems like a distant memory! so with the worst month of all over and done with now it seems Spring will be here before we know it! (hopefully). So i thought i would start off this Blog with a wish list of things I have been eyeing up over the last month or so!

1. Emma Hardie Amazing Face Moringa Cleansing Balm
To be honest i have been eyeing this up for a while, its been raved by many beauty bloggers for ages and i think its time i take the plunge! It looks and smells lovely and although i was slightly concerned it would be to heavy for my oily/combination skin, with the weird weather we have had so far this year my poor skin is so dry and dehydrated i think this will defiantly help to balance it out and give it a treat!

2. Clarisonic Mia
As i said before having Oily/Combination skin i suffer a lot with breakouts and the appearance of dull looking skin. as i wear makeup most days i think it will make a huge impact on the appearance of my skin, giving it that extra clean feeling and will defiantly help my skin in times of need! 

3. Benefit Box o' Powder in Rockatuer 
The famous Blushers from Benefit! these are well loved by many and quite rightly so, the thing i love about benefit not only the products themselves but the packaging, its pretty, girly and i love to see it in my makeup bag! They have bought out many of the Box o' Powders in a range of gorgeous shades and this is their most recent. I tend to stick to darker pink tones as i have quite dark features and i think this will be a lovely colour to wear in the spring! 

4. Fine-Knit Cardigan in shade "Mustard Yellow" 
So far this year i have been in love with yellow! with the weather being so dull and rainy i have been cheering myself up with lots of bright colours. This Yellow Cardigan will look amazing in the Spring/Summer, put with a navy striped shirt/top and some boyfriend jeans i think it will defiantly be a fresh spring outfit to get at the ready!

5. Alex 9 Draw Unit
With my love for Beauty Products & Makeup growing fast so is my collection! 
I currently have the smaller 5 draw version of this unit which has served me well,  however there is only so much re-organising i can do! its bursting at the seams and i think its time i upgrade to a larger unit! i love the design of this unit, its easy to keep clean and looks lovely in my "Shabby Chic" style bedroom. 

6. Miss Chantal Dark Tan Handbag
For Christmas my best friends got me this bag in black after i spotted it shopping in London, being Christmas i just could justify spending the money on myself! so they surprised me with it and i LOVE it!! its just the right size, I'm the kind of person that has everything in my handbag barr the kitchen sink and spend half my day routing around trying to find things. So having a slightly smaller structured bag helps me to organise things and prevent me from filling my bag with useless junk that i may never need! and i obviously need it in Brown too!!

So that's it! a couple of items in my wish list that i hope to get over the next couple of months. I'm defiantly looking forward to the brighter, fresh spring days to come! 
What are you all looking forward to?

Thanks for reading
